ProteoAix 2023, the 3rd Joint Meeting of
Spanish, French, and Portuguese Proteomics Societies
20-23 June 2023 Aix en Provence (France)

Welcome to ProteoAix 2023!

Le site web est disponible en français et en anglais. Cliquez ici pour continuer en français.

Hola, Olá, Bonjour,

We are very happy to have you at ProteoAix 2023.

The book of abstracts is available!

As a preamble to the congress:

  • Monday 19 June, Satellite meeting HPP Grand Challenge (Salle de Colloque n°1 Faculté ALLSH Université d'Aix Marseille, 29, avenue Robert Schuman 13100 Aix-en-Provence), program here or pdf
  • Tuesday 20 June, Bruker user meeting (Salle Milhaud2 Aix-en-Provence Convention Center), program here
  • Tuesday 20 June, Meeting of French proteomic platforms (Salle de Colloque n°1 Faculté ALLSH Université d'Aix Marseille, 29, avenue Robert Schuman 13100 Aix-en-Provence), program here

ProteoAix 2023 will be the 3rd Joint Meeting of Spanish, French, and Portuguese Proteomics Societies. The meeting was assembled to provide participants with a broad view of the diverse perspectives and applications of proteomics and its related fields, and emphasising new developments and scientific advances. The meeting programme is organised into main sessions that integrate technical and methodological aspects, their various applications, complementarity with other areas and methodologies, together with up-to-date and state-of-the-art research. The invited speakers were carefully chosen to share and discuss a wide range of topics from the most fundamental aspects to new subjects. Conditions were put in place to allow and promote science sharing by all participants. Plenary lectures, small talks, flash talks, poster sessions, and relaxed social events are programmed so that everyone can interact, discuss, and promote their projects in a great ambience.

Three EuPA travel grants were available.

More information on the wonderful city of Aix-en-Provence and the Centre des Congrès (location via GoogleMaps and immersive visit of the Congress Center).

Follow us on Twitter. For inquiries, contact us by mail proteoaix2023_at_sciencesconf_dot_org



1 - Clinical and disease proteomics; Cancer
2 - Bioinformatics
3 - Post-translational modifications
4 - Proteomics of model organisms; Microbial proteomics
5 - Interactomics and protein structure
6 - Structural proteomics
7 - Proteomics in cell biology; Cellular and functional proteomics
8 - Mass spectrometry imaging

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